CSAT Survey
Boost Your Business Success with Automated CSAT Score Collection Across All Channels!
Measure customer satisfaction with CSAT. Automate the gathering of scores from various channels, such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, Telegram, and Live Chat. Customize surveys to measure aspects like appointments, agents, bots, orders, and overall customer experience. Start measuring CSAT scores today!
CSAT Survey 2
View your customer satisfaction score (CSAT) and reviews based on date range, surveys, and channels. Scores are displayed in both chart and list views.
Form Improvements
Enhanced Client Experience: Introducing New Registration Fields and Prepopulation in Whautomate Forms!
Whautomate has added new client registration fields to our forms feature. Assigning the forms to clients prepopulates any details they've already provided, saving you and your clients valuable time. Upgrade your registration process now with Whautomate.
Whautomate Forms Help Documentation - https://help.whautomate.com/product-guides/forms
Quick Replies
Smart Messaging: Multi-Button Quick Replies on WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger!
Whautomate's messaging automation feature allows you to easily and conveniently send messages with up to 13 quick reply buttons to your Whatsapp, Instagram, and Messenger contacts. This can be done based on the conditions and triggers you have set up in the rule. Try Whautomate today to simplify your messaging automation!