Invoice Statement
Streamline the creation and management of client statements in Whautomate. Easily generate and oversee lists of billed items, outstanding invoices, paid payments, available funds, and total due payments. Effortlessly send, download, and print statements with just a few clicks.
⚡ Boost Engagement with Whautomate: Customizable Ice Breakers and Commands for WhatsApp
WhatsApp Ice Breakers-1
WhatsApp Ice Breakers are designed to boost user engagement. Ice Breakers are personalized, clickable text snippets that greet users when they first message your business. For instance, use prompts like "Plan a trip" or "Create a workout plan." Include up to 4 Ice Breakers.
WhatsApp Ice Breakers
Make communicating easier with WhatsApp Commands. With up to 30 text strings accessible by typing a forward slash in a message thread, you can simplify user interaction with your business.