Mobile app 1
Whautomate Mobile App 1.4.0: New Features & Improvements
  • Double-Lock Your Chats 🔒:
    2FA for added security.
  • Quick Replies 🚀:
    Use Canned Responses to save time.
  • More Filters 🌈:
    Find chats faster and have fun doing it.
  • Smoother Swiping 👆:
    Better UX for a friendlier experience.
Broadcast - Retarget 2
📣 New! Retarget Broadcast Recipients Based on Engagement
Introducing our latest feature! Now you can retarget your broadcast recipients based on their engagement levels. Whether they've simply received your message, opened it, read it, or even replied, you can target them accordingly. Try it out today and take your communication strategy to the next level!
Broadcast - Retarget
💬 Whautomate Unveils New Feature: Track Broadcast Reply Rates and Messages
New from Whautomate: track broadcast reply rates and messages to improve your campaign performance. Optimize your messaging and drive better results - try it out today!
2 Factor Authentication
🔒 Two-Factor Authentication is Here: Secure Your Whautomate Account in Seconds
Protecting your accounts has never been more important, and Whautomate understands that. That's why we have recently introduced a new security feature - 2-factor authentication - to further enhance the security of your accounts.
Open & Unassigned
🔄 New! Run Automation on Open & Unassigned Chats (All Channels, Incoming & Outgoing)
Introducing our latest feature! Now you can easily run automation on open and unassigned chats across all channels, both incoming and outgoing. Try it now and streamline your workflow like never before.